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EHS&S (Environment, Health and Safety & Sustainability) - What Every Business Leader Needs to Know


Environment, Health and Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S) is a relatively new field that is gaining a lot of traction in the business world. As more and more companies are looking to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, EHS&S professionals are in high demand. But what exactly does an EHS&S professional do? And what do business leaders need to know about this growing field?

1. Environment Health Safety (or "Environmental" Health Safety)

Environmental health and safety (EHS) is the field of study that encompasses protecting people and the environment from potential harm. This includes studying issues related to air quality, water resources, climate change, occupational safety, and chemical hazards. In order to ensure that people and the environment are safe, individuals in the EHS field often work with companies to help them create and adhere to safety protocols.

2. Health Safety and Sustainability

Individuals who work in environmental health and safety are also interested in sustainability. Sustainability is the practice of preserving natural resources so that they can be used in the future. This often includes strategies like reducing energy consumption, recycling materials, and using renewable energy sources. By incorporating sustainability into their work, EHS professionals can help protect the environment while also promoting cost savings for companies.

3. What is Safety and Sustainability?

The terms “safety” and “sustainability” can be a little confusing, so let’s break them down. “Safety” refers to protecting people from harm. This could mean ensuring that workers are following safety protocols in the workplace or creating laws to keep people safe from dangerous chemicals or pollutants. “Sustainability” refers to preserving natural resources so that they can be used in the future. This could mean recycling materials instead of throwing them away or using renewable energy sources like solar power. Together, “safety” and “sustainability” refer to creating a healthy environment that doesn’t put future generations at risk.

4. What is corporate EHS?

Corporate EHS is a term used to describe the environmental health and safety programs that are put in place by companies. These programs are designed to protect employees, customers, and the environment from potential harm. In order to create a corporate EHS program, companies must first identify the risks that their business poses to people and the environment. Once these risks have been identified, companies can put in place protocols and procedures to mitigate them. Corporate EHS programs are an important part of protecting both people and the planet.

5. What Do EHS&S professionals Do?

An EHS&S professional is responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures that ensure a company's compliance with all relevant environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. In addition, they work to ensure that a company's operations are sustainable and have minimal negative impact on the environment.

EHS&S professionals typically have a background in engineering, environmental science, or another relevant field. They must be well-versed in all applicable laws and regulations, and they must have excellent communication and problem-solving skills. As more and more companies look to adopt sustainable practices, the demand for qualified EHS&S professionals is only going to increase.


If you're a business leader who is looking to adopt sustainable practices, then you need to familiarize yourself with the field of EHS&S. An EHS&S professional can help you develop and implement policies that will ensure your compliance with all relevant environmental laws and regulations. In addition, they can help you make sure that your operations are sustainable and have minimal negative impact on the environment. With the demand for qualified EHS&S professionals on the rise, now is the time to get ahead of the curve.

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