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Do smaller companies think they are too small to digitize?

Degree of digitalization in the Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) recently published a report stating that approximately one third of Dutch companies have hardly or not at all digitized the processes in their day-to-day activities. In a sense, of course, this makes sense. You might assume that smaller companies have less money to spend on software or other digitization efforts. But I have a different view on the matter. I think it's possible that smaller companies think they are too small for digitization. With the focus on 'too'.


The report takes a closer look at what types of processes are being digitized and there is a clear trend in external processes being more digital. For example, sending invoices and managing customer data. These processes all have to do with external parties. But what about internal processes?

This struck me in a recent conversation with an acquaintance. He works in construction for a contracting company. Not sure how many staff they have but he described it as 'small'. When I explained more about Capptions and how it could also be used as an example in construction, he said it was interesting, but they are too small for something like that.

I didn't really think about it at the time, but then a colleague shared the CBS report and I thought about it again. Is it possible that smaller companies have this prejudice about software, and EHS software specifically in this case, that it is only intended for 'big' companies?

Or is it simply that digitization is something that has yet to be achieved due to budgetary issues? Are they perhaps a bit more old-fashioned? Or is there another reason why they are lagging behind?

Start Small

One of the things we believe in at Capptions is to start small. And this is true even for the larger companies we serve. EHS software is simply a broad concept, certainly in our case. We have built Captions in such a way that you can set it up yourself. You can digitize your own forms, determine workflows and set up reporting. That means you can use Capptions for different purposes.

A KAM or QHSE management system sounds quite complex. But in many cases, companies would like to digitize a process. Such as, for example, a workplace inspection. Such an inspection is part of a company's safety program, and you can do it with EHS software, but the basis is the desire to digitize.

There are an infinite number of examples of processes that you can do with Capptions. Large companies often start with such a small process and then add more. That is why we fall under the umbrella of EHS software. Because you can easily accommodate all those processes in your environment within our platform.

Digitaliseren voor iedereen

We hope that smaller companies will also take steps to digitize their processes. It can help them on their way to greater improvements. Such as Van der Ende, who has managed to . As a result, they have more data and a higher quality of data. Enabling them to make better and faster decisions.

Are you curious if we can also help you with digitizing and optimizing your process? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to think along with you!

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