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Vetting & TMSA (Tanker Management Self Assessment), What YOU Must Know


When it comes to vetting inspections and Tanker Management Self Assessments, oil majors take their time in ensuring that the company they are partnering with is up to par. In order for an organization to be successful in the maritime industry, safety is always the number one priority.

That being said, even if an organization does have a strong safety record, there is always room for improvement. By undergoing a vetting inspection and completing a TMSA (Tanker Management Self Assessment), your business can earn the trust of oil majors and increase your chances of securing maritime industry partnerships.

What is an Oil Major Vetting Inspection?

An Oil Major Vetting Inspection is a vetting process that oil majors all over the world utilize to determine if they want to do business with an organization. From shipyards, classification societies, and providers of maritime services, there are numerous types of companies that undergo vetting inspections. The purpose of these inspections is two-fold: first, it ensures.

The requirement of oil charterers for a vessel to be in full compliance with operational and statutory standards has led to vetting surveys.

Oil Companies International Marine Forum

(OCIMF) is a commercial association, which originated from the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP).

As an association, OCIMF's mission is to "contribute to the efficient and safe operations of all vessels involved in the oil and gas industry. The organization acts as a consultant for its members.

The Oil Tankers

Oil tankers are a type of large cargo ship used to transport oil around the world. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all have one thing in common: they are designed to carry large amounts of oil safely and securely.

The design and construction of oil tankers is a complex process, and the safety of these ships is of paramount importance. OCIMF is a commercial association that specializes in the safety of oil tankers, and its members include some of the world's leading oil companies.

An Oil Company

An oil company is a type of business organization that is involved in the exploration, production, and distribution of oil and gas. There are many different types of oil companies, but all of them share one common goal: to make a profit from oil and gas production.

Oil companies are essential to the global economy, and they play a vital role in the energy industry. They are responsible for exploring new sources of oil and gas, producing these resources, and transporting them to consumers all over the world.

The Oil Chemical

One such company is an oil chemical company. This type of organization is specialized in the production of chemicals derived from oil. They produce a variety of products, including plastics, solvents, and detergents.

Ship Inspection Report

The Ship Inspection Report was created to hold the Government of Canada accountable. The Government of Canada has set out an extensive list of concerns they are required to inspect for when inspecting a ship.

As mandated, the Ship Inspection Report is conducted by Transport Canada on both Canadian flag vessels and foreign-flagged vessels visiting Canadian ports. When the inspection is complete, one of five conditions will be given to determine risk levels for marine safety. The different conditions are:

  • Satisfactory
  • Satisfactory Conditional
  • Non-Compliant
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Safety Concern.

The Ship Inspection Report can be found on Transport Canada's website under the Marine Newsletter to make it easier for ship owners to know what needs improvement.

What is a vetting inspection and why is it done?

A vetting inspection is done to give the Government of Canada the confidence that all flags are being used for legitimate commercial purposes. This stringent process can take anywhere from a few weeks up to several months. It includes:

  • Vetting all officers and shareholders of the vessel owner company and vessel operating company
  • Reviewing the history of the vessels, their flags, and countries through Lloyd's Registry or other international data repositories
  • Comparing all crew members' resumes with that of their passport information to ensure they match
  • Make sure the flag state has received all previous deficiencies and those have been corrected
  • Sending a company representative or independent surveyor to visit the vessel and conduct an initial inspection, including copies of records for a number of crew members, their qualifications, and other relevant documentation.
  • Among others.

The vetting inspection checks the ship's cargo against the bill of lading, an inventory list on board that compares what is being carried on the ship with consignees' receipts. Vetting also helps to maintain good relationships with shipping lines because it confirms that they are not carrying prohibited articles for trade, such as explosives or nuclear materials.

What are the four major sections covered by sire inspection?

Sire inspections are a vital part of maritime safety. By ensuring that vessels are up to code and adhering to safety standards, we can mitigate the risk of accidents and incidents at sea. Sire inspections are conducted by an independent organization, and they provide a detailed report on the condition of the vessel. This report is then used by the maritime authorities to make decisions about whether a vessel is safe to operate.

Certification & Documentation

Check to see whether your company has all of the necessary paperwork and accreditation (e.g., Certificate of "ABC"). Operating a boat without the appropriate certifications and documentation may cause legal ramifications that negatively impact operation and business.

Crew Management

In this part, both crew members and commissioned officers are evaluated to see if they adhere to the principles of safe manning and operator's policy.

Personnel are also judged on their ability to communicate effectively and whether they have received adequate training and experience. Evaluating personnel on a regular basis lowers the risk of workplace accidents or even equipment damage.

Safety Management

This part looks at how safety standards derived from SOLAS apply to ensure maritime safety. This entails determining whether safety systems are in place, such as the use of PPEs and established procedures for investigating and reporting accidents, incidents, non-conformities, and more. To prepare for life-threatening situations, the availability of lifesaving and fire.

Vessel System Management

This category covers the bulk of the SIRE program chapters for visual inspection. This group includes things such as vessel structure, engine, machinery, mooring, cargo, ballast, and so on (e.g., Vessel structure, engine.)

When you perform regular checks of ship systems to reduce the risk of vessel failure and costly repairs that may happen.

The inspection reports are compiled by an independent organization and used by maritime authorities to make decisions about whether a vessel is safe to operate. The reports contain a detailed assessment of the condition of the vessel, and they help to ensure that vessels adhere to safety standards.


The Maritime Industry Inspection and Certification Forum (OCIMF Sire) is an international organization that conducts sire inspections. Their website provides detailed information on the four major sections that are covered by their inspections: hull, machinery, electrical, and safety equipment.

Sire Inspectors

Sire inspectors are a vital part of maritime safety. By ensuring that vessels are up to code and adhering to safety standards, we can mitigate the risk of accidents and incidents at sea. Sire inspections are conducted by an independent organization, and they provide a detailed report on the condition of the vessel. This report is then used by the maritime authorities to make decisions about whether a vessel is safe to operate.

The Sire Programme

The Sire Programme is a global maritime safety initiative that was launched in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The program is administered by OCIMF Sire, and it provides independent inspections of vessels to ensure that they are up to code. The inspections are conducted by qualified inspectors, and the results are used by maritime authorities to make decisions about whether a vessel is safe to operate.

The Sire Programme is a vital part of maritime safety, and it helps to ensure that vessels are operating in accordance with safety standards. By implementing this program, we can mitigate the risk of accidents and incidents at sea.

What is CDI Shipping Inspection?

CDI Shipping Inspection - Also known as a Bill of Lading inspection or port to door shipping inspection - is a contract between the shipper and the inspector that outlines all inspections that must be completed by either party during transport. A shipping inspector will inspect, complete, and stamp each inspection item on the bill of lading to ensure accuracy and identify damages on the shipment.

What is TMSA (Tanker Management Self Assessment)?

Every year, in compliance with the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations in Title 49 CFR part 571.403, International Tanker Operators must conduct a TMSA (Tanker Manager’s Self Assessment). The assessment is conducted to identify issues that could potentially lead to an accident and to create corrective action plans for the tanker to take.

The purpose of the assessment is not to provide a detailed drill-down, but rather an overview of the tanker’s compliance with the DOT regulations. This allows for operational issues to be highlighted so that they can be addressed quickly and efficiently by the tanker’s management team. It also helps to ensure that all members of the firm are working towards the same goal of safe, compliant operations.

The 12 Elements of TMSA (Tanker Management Self Assessment)

As part of its scheme, vessels are assessed on twelve different elements in order to determine whether they meet certain criteria:

  1. Management, Leadership, and Accountability
  2. Recruitment and Management of Shore-based Personnel
  3. Recruitment and Management of Ships’ Personnel
  4. Reliability and Maintenance Standards
  5. Navigational Safety
  6. Cargo, Ballast and Mooring Operations
  7. Management of Change
  8. Incident Investigation and analysis
  9. Safety Management
  10. Environmental Management
  11. Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning
  12. Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement


The Sire Programme, CDI Shipping Inspection, TMSA (Tanker Management Self Assessment), and the 12 Elements of TMSA are all vital components of maritime safety. By implementing these programs and assessments, we can reduce the risk of accidents and incidents at sea.

Each program has its own unique benefits, and they work together to create a comprehensive safety system for maritime transport. If you’re looking for an independent organization that can conduct a sire inspection or tanker management self-assessment, . We’re happy to help!

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